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MC Dresser

The MC Dresser module contains functionality specifically oriented to creating a list of items wanted (included list) or not wanted (excluded list) within your Sim community. It allows saving and loading specific outfits and only allowing those outfits, if desired, for certain categories. It also allows configuration of Custom Definitions which provide the ability to further control skin details, scars, tattoos and such as Sims get older or for randomly generated Sims.

There is a lot of documentation for this module, so feel free to use the links below to skip to the part you need.

Include and exclude lists Console Commands Custom Definitions Body Types that Do Not Random Body Type Argument Definitions Outfit Category Argument Definitions

Include and Exclude Lists

All of the configuration of these lists is handled through command-line actions (which can be run from the Sims command-line control-shift-C within a Sim lot). The first time a command will need to be run for a specific Sim, a first name and last name is usually required. After the initial command, MC Dresser will remember the last specified Sim and the name can be omitted from subsequent commands until switching to a different Sim.

Any time an outfit category is an argument in the command-lines for MC Dresser, multiples may be specified by delimiting them with a period, or all may be chosen by using “All”.

For example, add the current hat from the current outfit for John Smith to the included item list:

When adding a hair-type item to a dresser exclude or include list, it is recommended to always use ALL for the outfit. It MAY work if you don’t, but there is a good chance it will have problems. Known issue with hair cleaning/randoming is that the color of the hair may not be correct if the Sim is in the current lot. After the game reloads that Sim, it will be correct. This seems to be some Sim 4 flakiness. I tried several things to work around it but none of them worked, so for now, it is what it is.

If we only want to use include list items for a category, a single excluded item can be added manually to the mc_dresser.cfg file. For example, if I only want female elders to use included items, I would have to manually add this line to mc_dresser.cfg:


  1. “B” - Exclude
  2. “F” - Female
  3. “EL” - Elder (Options are ‘CH’ for anyone less than a teen, ‘YA’ for Teen, Young Adult and Adults, and ‘EL’ for elders. This is based on the clothing category groupings as Teen, Young adults and adults use the same clothing.
  4. “*” - Exclude all items. This is a bit like Use Only Saved outfits, but instead, it only allows items from the Included Item list for Sims to be worn. For Use Saved-only outfits, one or more outfits must be saved for each category. For Exclude all items, one or more outfit part must be on the include item list for each body part in CAS (Outfit Top, Outfit Bottom, Full Body Outfit, Shoes, etc.)
  5. “All” - For all categories (Options defined below delimited by a ’.’)

If an item doesn’t exist in the included list for a body part for a specific category, then the item already worn will remain worn. An exception is if the item is “removable”, meaning that the sim doesn’t have to wear something in that slot. Examples are accessories, glasses, hats. Those items will be removed if a item doesn’t exist in the included list. There’s also a random chance that they will be removed rather than using a item from the included list.

Below are some examples of using the dresser_copy command in various ways.

Command Description
dresser_copy john smith at e Copies the Athletic outfit from John Smith into his Everyday outfit slot.
dresser_copy john smith at john williams Copies the Athletic outfit from John Smith into John Williams’ Athletic outfit
dresser_copy john smith at john williams e Copies the Athletic outfit from John Smith into John WIlliams’ Everyday outfit

MC Dresser Console Commands

Command Arguments Description Example
dresser_list_bp Outputs a list of all the body part abbreviations used by mc_dresser commands. dresser_list_bp
dresser_info [first_name] [last_name] Produces a file in the same mod folder that McCmdCenter_dresser zip exists within that contains all of the body-parts in use in all of the current outfits for the Sim specified by first_name and last_name. If a prior McCmdCenter_dresser command was executed for the same Sim, the Sim’s first_name and last_name will be remembered so they do not have to be specified subsequent times. dresser_info john smith all
dresser_check [first_name] [last_name] Runs a validation-check against the Sim specified by first_name and last_name and will output a record to the mc_cmd_center.log file telling whether or not any excluded items exist in that Sim’s outfits. If a prior McCmdCenter_dresser command was executed for the same Sim, the Sim’s first_name and last_name will be remembered so they do not have to be specified subsequent times. dresser_check john smith
dresser_clean [first_name] [last_name] Iterates through all of the outfits for the Sim specified by first_name and last_name. If any excluded items are found, they will be 1) replaced by new random items, 2) removed if they are “removable” items like accessories or 3) replaced with an item from the included list if one exists. If a prior McCmdCenter_dresser command was executed for the same Sim, the Sim’s first_name and last_name will be remembered so they do not have to be specified subsequent times. dresser_clean john smith
dresser_bl [first_name] [last_name] body_type [outfit_category] For the current outfit (or the current outfit plus any option outfits specified) for the Sim specified by first_name, last_name, the “body_type” item will be added to the excluded list. The body_type argument is defined below, as is the optional outfits list. If a prior McCmdCenter_dresser command was executed for the same Sim, the Sim’s first_name and last_name will be remembered so they do not have to be specified subsequent times. dresser_bl john smith hat E.At.Sw
dresser_wl [first_name] [last_name] body_type [outfit_category] For the current outfit (or the current outfit plus any option outfits specified) for the Sim specified by first_name, last_name, the “body_type” item will be added to the included list. The body_type argument is defined below, as is the optional outfits list. If a prior McCmdCenter_dresser command was executed for the same Sim, the Sim’s first_name and last_name will be remembered so they do not have to be specified subsequent times. dresser_wl john smith shoes E.At.Sw
dresser_del [first_name] [last_name] body_type For the Sim specified by first_name, last_name, the “body_type” item in the current outfit will be removed from the excluded and included list. The body_type argument is defined below. If a prior McCmdCenter_dresser command was executed for the same Sim, the Sim’s first_name and last_name will be remembered so they do not have to be specified subsequent times. dresser_del john smith shoes
dresser_rand [first_name] [last_name] [body_type] For the current outfit (or the current outfit plus any option outfits specified) for the Sim specified by first_name, last_name, the “body_type” item will be replaced with a random item. If “body_type” is not specified, the entire outfit is randomized. The body_type argument is defined below. If a prior McCmdCenter_dresser command was executed for the same Sim, the Sim’s first_name and last_name will be remembered so they do not have to be specified subsequent times. For several body types, items in the included list must also be specified for it to work. For all, it is recommended. dresser_rand john smith top
dresser_co [first_name] [last_name] [outfit_category] Change the Sim specified by first_name, last_name into the specified outfit. If the outfit is not specified, the current outfit equipped is output to notifications or the mc_cmd_center.log file depending on settings. The outfit argument is defined below. If a prior McCmdCenter_dresser command was executed for the same Sim, the Sim’s first_name and last_name will be remembered so they do not have to be specified subsequent times. dresser_co john smith At
dresser_os [first_name] [last_name] [outfit_category] Save the currently equipped outfit for the Sim specified by first_name and last_name. Optionally, if outfit is specified, the current outfit can be saved for more than one outfit category. The outfit argument is defined below. If a prior McCmdCenter_dresser command was executed for the same Sim, the Sim’s first_name and last_name will be remembered so they do not have to be specified subsequent times. dresser_os john smith E.At
dresser_ol [first_name] [last_name] [outfit_index] Load a saved outfit into the currently equipped outfit for the Sim specified by first_name and last_name. If outfit_idx is specified, the saved outfit with that number will be loaded. If outfit_idx is not specified, the next saved outfit in that category will be loaded. If a prior McCmdCenter_dresser command was executed for the same Sim, the Sim’s first_name and last_name will be remembered so they do not have to be specified subsequent times. dresser_ol john smith
dresser_od [first_name] [last_name] outfit_index Delete the saved outfit from the currently equipped outfit category for the Sim specified by first_name and last_name with the outfit_idx. If outfit_idx does not exist, an error will be shown. If a prior mc_dresser command was executed for the same Sim, the Sim’s first_name and last_name will be remembered so they do not have to be specified subsequent times. dresser_od john smith 1
dresser_copy source_first_name source_last_name source_outfit [dest_first_name dest_last_name] AND/OR [dest_outfit] Allows copying an outfit from one category to another for the same Sim or to a different Sim. The source information is required. The destination information can have an optional first name/last name OR outfit, but at least one or the other is required. Valid source/dest outfits are “E”, “AT”, “F”, “P”, “SL”, “SW”, “HW”, “CW” and “BT”. dresser_copy john smith at john williams e

Using MC Dresser Custom Definitions

Custom Definitions provide the player with a way to set-up different types of CAS parts that can be configured to automatically be added to Sims as they age-up or on randomly generated Sims in the world. The number of these definitions that may be used by a player are not limited by MC Dresser, so the player can make as many as they want. The player should take care, though, not to configure definitions that conflict with one another since MC Dresser trusts the player to handle the analysis of that factor. Custom Definitions are defined by CAS outfit age groups. As such, Teens, Young Adults and Adults all share the same definitions for the same gender. The other ages each have their own Custom Definitions as CAS does not share outfit items for those ages.

Custom Definitions are defined by a name, which the player assigns. It can be anything meaningful to the player for this definition.

Custom Definitions are based on several CAS categories, which may contain a combination of body types.

Custom Definition Body Type CAS Body Type
Skin Details Forehead Crease, Freckles, Left Dimple, Right Dimple, Left Lip Mole, Right Lip Mole, Left Cheek Mole, Right Cheek Mole, Mouth Crease, Skin Overlay, Nose Color, Acne, Puberty Acne
Brow Scars Occult Brow
Cheek Scars Occult Left Cheek, Occult Right Cheek
Eye Scars Occult Eye Socket
Mouth Scars Occult Mouth
Tattoos Left Lower Arm, Left Upper Arm, Right Lower Arm, Right Upper Arm, Right Leg, Left Leg, Lower Back, Upper Back, Front Lower Torso, Front Upper Torso
Body Hair Leg Hair, Arm Hair, Front Torso Hair, Back Torso Hair

Each Custom Definition may have a Use Custom Definition Percent configured. This is the percentage chance that the current definition will be applied to a randomly generated Sim created by the Sims 4. Note that this does not apply to random Sims that are replaced with imported tray Sims. There is another setting for that.

Each Custom Definition may have a Use Parent Values Percent configured. This setting is used for Sims as they age-up. Mainly, this applies to teens. When a Sim ages from a child to a teen, if there are any Custom Definitions for the Teen/Young Adult/Elder group that have a percentage set in this setting, and if the parent has one of the Custom Definition parts defined in this definition, then that part will be copied to the teen as part of the age-up. This can be used for things like copying the freckles from a parent as the child ages into a teen.

Each Custom Definition may have a Change Tray Percent configured. This is the percentage chance that the current definition will be applied to a randomly generated Sims created by the Sims 4 if that Sim is generated from a tray Sim. By default, Sims created from the Tray do not have changes applied based on Custom Definitions. However, if the player does want that to happen, they can set the percentage chance for the imported Sim to have a Custom Definition applied here.

The final step in defining a Custom Definition is to add any Outfit parts that should be part of this Custom Definition. To do that, a Sim will have to have the desired parts equipped in CAS which can then be added from the MC Dresser Custom Definition dialog. I’ll go through an example of all of this below.

A Custom Definition Example

Close up of Sim in Create A Sim. Sim has freckles.

As an example of how one might use a Custom Definition, I’m going to start with the freckles example I mentioned earlier. Let’s say I really like freckles and want it to be used by a lot of Sims in my world. I want to define this for Male Sims and really I want them to inherit it from parents as well so I will be interested in defining it at the Teen/Young Adult/Adult age group. For ease in setting this up, first I’m going to edit my household in CAS and make it full of male Sims in the right ages. On each, I’ll put the freckles I want to include, with swatches or whatever variants there might be for that CAS Body Type. As with other MC Dresser outfit settings, each swatch/color difference/etc. has its own unique ID in CAS so they must be defined in MC Dresser individually. I’m not going to be saving this game so I can do it with my active household. Saving the settings doesn’t affect my Sims 4 game itself.

Close up of another Sim in Create A Sim. Sim has another type of freckles, with fewer freckles.

For Freckles, there are two different versions in vanilla CAS. I’ll add one to a Male Young Adult Sim in my household:

MC Dresser Add Definition Screen

Now I will create a new Custom Definition for my Freckles. Clicking on either of those Sims on their home lot, I’ll go into the MCCC Sims Menu and open the Custom Definition menu in MC Dresser. Then I want to add a new Definition:

MC Dresser Add Definition Body Type Group with one option 'Skin Details

I will set the name to something that makes sense for this definition, so I’ll go with “Freckles”. When I click on the “Body Type Group” button, I only have one option for this Sim, "Skin Details", which is the correct body type group for Freckles.
This is automatically detected since MC Dresser can tell the Sim I selected has something outfitted in CAS to that group (the freckles I chose earlier). So I will choose “Skin Details” for the Body Type Group.

MC Dresser Add Definition Screen

Now, I need to decide what percentages I want to use for this definition. I want randomly generated NPC Sims the game creates to use them all the time, so I’ll set the Use Custom Definition Percent setting to 100% I want Sims to inherit it from their parents as they age-up to Teen, so I’ll set the Use Parent Values Percent to 100% as well. Finally, I don’t want Sims that are imported from Tray Sims to use the Freckles definition at all, so I’ll leave it at 0%.

Now I have a couple of options. I could just save the Custom Definition. This would not include any outfit parts, yet, so nothing would actually be applied to Sims yet, but it would allow me to open the definition on other Sims if I need to choose other freckle types from them (which I will need to do in a moment). For now, though, I want to click the Defined Parts button and select the freckles from the current Sim.

MC Dresser Add Part to Definition Screen

When I click the Defined Parts button, I’ll have the option to Add Part to Definition. If I already had parts defined, I’d also have the option to delete a part I had added previously. For now, I’ll click the Add Part to Definition button, and I’ll see the CAS Outfit Part ID for the Body Type Group I’m defining.

Clicking that gives me new options. I can either delete the part I just added or I can save the changes to the parts I’ve done to this point. I can’t add any other parts because this Sim only has one Skin Detail group item defined in CAS. The other Freckles was on a different Sim. Now VERY IMPORTANT to note here is that the defined part changes MUST be saved here, or they won’t be saved to the Custom Definition. I will click on the Save Changes to Definition Parts to assign the freckles on this Sim to the Freckles Custom Definition. This takes us back to our Custom Definition details.

MC Dresser Add Definition Screen

We’re done with the definition for this Sim, but we want to make sure to save everything we’ve done on the definition to this point, so we MUST click the Save Changes to Definition button, or nothing will be saved to the mc_dresser.cfg file. Clicking that button will save them to the settings and they’ll now be visible from other Sims as well.

I’ll now close the MCCC menu on the current Sim, and begin the process on the next Sim. I will select the other male Sim, who had equipped the second variant of Freckles in CAS, and follow the same initial path. Going into the MCCC Sims menu on that Sim and going into the Custom Definitions option of MC Dresser, I now see I have options to edit or delete an existing definition that I didn’t have before. The Freckles definition is saved in settings and I can edit it to change percentages, the name, or defined parts as I need to, or I can delete it altogether if I decided I don’t want it.

MC Dresser Custom Definitions screen for the other Sim MC Dresser 'Edit Definitions' screen with 'Freckles' as an option.

Going into Edit Definition, I see that the Freckles definition is listed there.

MC Dresser Screen. They've clicked the 'Freckles' option and now have an option to add or delete from the custom definition.

I want to click that definition to edit it. Then, I want to click the Defined Parts button. On this Sim, I again have a defined Skin Detail part he is wearing from CAS that is not in this definition so I have an option to Add Part to Definition. I also still have the Delete Part from Definition option since I could decide to remove the Freckles from the first Sim, if I wanted to do that.

I will click Add Part to Definition, which shows me the CAS Outfit Part ID for Skin Details defining the second freckles part. I’ll click that to add it to the defined parts, I’ll click the Save Changed to Defined Parts button and then the Save Changes to Definition button. My Freckles Custom Definition now has both freckle parts from CAS defined and can use those on Sims in the game.

Close up of another Sim in Create A Sim with Freckles.

The next time the game generates a random Sim that matches this Custom Definition, it will check the percentage chance to use it. Since it’s 100%, it will definitely apply it to any male Sim randomly generated UNLESS THE GAME ALREADY GENERATES THEM WITH SOMETHING ELSE IN THAT SLOT. For freckles, there isn’t much chance of that, but there may be for some of the categories, so it should be noted! The Sims 4 generated a new Sim in my game and I opened him in CAS to verify that the Custom Definition was applied. Sure enough, looking at his facial detail, I can see he definitely has freckles.

Some things to remember:

Body Types That Do Not Random

The way that script mods have to communicate with the Sims 4 to get new outfits for Sims requires calls to CAS for new outfit generation. Some of the body types do not come back from CAS with different random outfit parts. Because of this, when doing cleaning or randoming on these Body Types, in addition to excluded items being defined it is also REQUIRED to have items stored in the included list as well. If there are no items on the included list, there is no way for the script to replace anything currently on the Sim since CAS will never give an alternative. Below is the list of Body Types that do not return random options when calling CAS so require items to be defined on the included list.

Sims 4 Internal ID Body Type
1 Hat
2 Hair
4 Teeth
28 Facial Hair
29 Lipstick
30 Eyeshadow
31 Eyeliner
32 Blush
33 Facepaint
34 Eyebrows
35 Eye color
38 Forehead Crease
39 Freckles
43 Mole Left Lip
45 Lower Left Arm Tatoo
46 Upper Left Arm Tattoo
47 Lower Right Arm Tattoo
48 Upper Right Arm Tattoo
49 Left Leg Tattoo
50 Right Leg Tattoo
51 Lower Torso Back Tattoo
52 Upper Torso Back Tattoo
53 Lower Torso Front Tattoo
54 Upper Torso Front Tattoo
56 Mole Right Cheek
57 Mouth Crease

Body Type Argument Definitions

In dresser commands that require a body type, either the Sims 4 Internal ID or the Body Type value may be specified unless otherwise specified. For those that I say use the ID only, it’s because there’s a space in the Body Type and that will cause problems parsing the command.

Sims 4 Internal ID Body Type Must Use ID
1 Hat No
2 Hair No
4 Teeth No
5 Body No
6 Top No
7 Bottom No
8 Shoes No
10 Earrings No
11 Glasses No
12 Necklace No
13 Gloves No
14 Left Bracelet Yes
15 Right Bracelet Yes
22 Left Index Ring Yes
23 Right Index Ring Yes
24 Left Third Ring Yes
25 Right Third Ring Yes
26 Left Middle Ring Yes
27 Right Middle Ring Yes
28 Facial Hair No
29 Lipstick No
30 Eyeshadow No
31 Eyeliner Yes
32 Blush No
33 Facepaint No
36 Socks No
38 Forehead Crease No
39 Freckles No
40 Left Dimple No
41 Right Dimple No
42 Tights No
43 Mole Left Lip No
44 Mole Right Lip No
55 Left Cheek Mole No
56 Right Cheek Mole No
57 Mouth Crease No
72 Acne No

Outfit Category Argument Definitions

In dresser commands that require an outfit category, the outfit abbreviation must be used from the definitions below. Except when using “All”, any combination of the outfit abbreviations may be specified by using a period as a delimiter in the command-line.

Outfit Abbreviation Outfit Category
All All Outfits
E Everyday
At Athletic
F Formal
P Party
Sw Swimwear
Sl Sleepwear
CW Cold Weatherwear
HW Hot Weatherwear
BT Batuu

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