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MC Career

The career module contains settings to alter difficulty with career or school/university as well as the speed homework is completed.

It also contains settings to allow children and teens to quit school. The only way to allow quitting school is to change the school "career" into a full-time career. That's the only way the core game will allow them to be quittable. As a result, part-time jobs are not an option WITH school being active on a Sim. The setting must be turned-off if a Sim is going to school and wants a part-time job. Also, as the setting documentation describes for those settings, when re-enrolling in school, the player should always use the MCCC Sim command menu rather than trying to do it through the phone. Using the phone can cause last exceptions and might not re-enroll them correctly.

Freeze Career flag:

In the Sim Flags menu, there is an option on Sims older than Teens to Freeze Career.

  1. For NPC Sims, this flag will bypass the EA core functionality that reassigns an NPC Sim to different jobs. Whatever their current job is, they will keep that job. This prevents them leaving the job either by quitting or retiring. Note that if you flag an NPC Sim that has no job, the core processes will never give them a job so they will always be unemployed.
  2. For active Sims, the flag just stops their career progression. They will neither gain nor lose progression in their career level as long as they have the flag.

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